Friday, January 15, 2010

New Year's Day 2004. "Hudson & Dylan"

Here's a layout of Hudson and his favorite cousin (second cousin, actually . . . in case you hadn't gathered that). Hudson and Dylan always have such fun together. Dylan is almost two years older than Hudson, but they still get along really well. They don't get to see each other very often since the Goodes live so far away, but the boys are always so excited when they get the chance to spend time together, and they always pick up right where they left off. Just like me and Dylan's mom, Lori!

I have been doing a lot of color-block pages recently (well, if you count two or three over the past six months as "a lot"), but they have been from different time periods, so they're in all different albums. I like the simple beauty of color-block pages.

It's hard to see because of the flash, but on the right side of the lefthand page it says "BEST BUDS", not "BEST BUGS." Also, please notice the ampersand in the title. I sketched that from an example on the Internet, cut it out with an Xacto knife, and painted silver glitter on it. Just tell me it was worth it even if you don't think so.

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